We have scraped verified companies email contact details from sources like Yelp, Yellowpages, Google map, BBB, Tripadvisor, theknot.com, and many other sources.
We have the following information scraped from the sites.
- Business name
- Address
- contact number
- website
- email
- social media URLs
- contact name
- business category
- reviews
- ratings
- hours
- latitude
- longitude
- listing url
- many other details
We have scraped around 3 million+ business records from Yelp, 2 million+ from Google map. 3.3 million+ from TripAdvisor for restaurants and 10 miilion+ from Yellowpages.
NOTE: Not all records have email and website
if you anyone is interested in purchasing this data, you can contact us on For similar work requirement feel free to contact us on sales@b2bemaildatabases.com