We have over 2.5 million Verified Businesses scraped from Europages.co.uk
We scraped all the categories and countries data with emails and social media URLs where available.
Here is the list of fields we have scraped.
- Main Category Url
- Main Category Name
- Category Url
- Category Name
- Detail Page Url
- Title
- Logo Url
- Category Title
- Category Link
- VAT Number
- Website
- Address
- Country
- Company Details
- Associated With This Company
- Year Established
- Site Status
- Main Activity
- Company Head Count
- Sales Staff
- Export Sale
- Sales Turnover
- Phone Number
- From Website
- Website
- Email
- Phone number
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Instagram
- Linkedin
- Google Plus
- Youtube
Do you have the requirements for this data? Feel free to send us a message and we can send you more details.